Αναδημοσιεύουμε μαρτυρίες μεταναστών (και παιδιών ειδικότερα) από το προχτεσινό φασιστικό πογκρόμ στο κέντρο της Αθήνας. Οι μαρτυρίες στα Αγγλικά είναι από το http://infomobile.w2eu.net/2011/05/10/murder-instrumentalised-by-fascist-groups-for-new-pogrom-against-migrants-in-athens-centre/. ενώ οι φωτογραφίες από το http://www.demotix.com/photo/688575/demonstration-stabbed-greek-turns-riots-and-racist-acts
My mummy, my small brother and me were going home this afternoon. We had to cross Omonia square. I am very afraid. We had to run a lot because we were chased in Omonia. All my friends were chased and beaten – also their mums and dads. One of my friends was brought to hospital. Why was this happening? I am in my room now, but I am very afraid! Οne day later and after one more experience of a fascist attack on the soup kitchen of the municipality Hassan says:
My legs hurt me so much. I had to run a lot these days! Two times I was running.
Hassan is since 6 months in Greece. The rest of his family is in Germany. Only a few months ago his mummy was beaten up by a Greek old men in Victoria square. They spend all the time in their room, because they are afraid to go out. They cannot sleep because of fear. They cannot eat. They are watching the door and listening to the sounds coming from outside in case the fascists cone back.
Ahmad, 12 years old from Afghanistan:
Yesterday some Greeks came to Victoria square. They beat all people there. They also beat me on my head!
The attacks continued also Wednesday 11th and at the 12th with further “demonstrations” – meaning a huge and enduring POGROM against migrants.
Fascist groups attacked Wednesday and Thursday again the two anarchist squats of the area, this time together with the police, and after splitting into smaller groups of up to 10 chased immigrants in the further area…..
They beat my friend 10 days ago. They broke his nose. We went to the police station to report the violent attack. The officer just told us to leave. We cannot do anything.
A friend of mine was just getting of the bus here in Omonia. Suddenly somebody just hit him on his head with his fist. He didn’t even see it coming.
Yesterday there were a young Greek women with a young men. They passed by me at the street. Suddenly the women beat me with a big wooden stick on my head. But you know, they beat everybody and not only now. Since long time. In Attiki they beat people every day!
At the 12th and during the beginning of the demonstration against the murderous police brutality of the 11th against demonstrators of the general strike in another part of the cities’ centre around 500-1.000 fascists demonstrated towards Omonia square and invaded a soup kitchen of the municipality of Athens, where poor people – mostly migrants – try survive from hunger, beating up blindly refugees and migrants and stabbing them with knives and hitting them with bottles!!!!! After returning back to the area of Victoria Square and St. Panteleimon / Attiki they attacked again the anarchist squats while continuing their POGROM against migrants in the whole area in the most violent way. Rumours talked about more migrant deaths. The hospitals talked about at least 25 migrants with severe injuries 12 of which were stabbed with knives one was shot!!!
The area around Omonia, St. Panteleimon, Victoria Square and Attiki has become a field of war with extreme right wing groups walking around with Greek flags shouting fascist slogans against migrants. Consciously and on purpose the cold-blooded Neonazis kill and destroy in the whole neighbourhood without being severely disturbed by the high numbers of police officers in the area. Migrants report of repeated violent and cruel attacks: beating with clubs on the head, stabbing with knives. A number of migrant shops were destroyed also and fascist were chasing and beating even small children of 6-10 years, beating also them on all parts of their bodies!!!!!
Attiki Square and St. Panteleimon Square that had been in the past central places of agglomeration were already occupied by fascist groups and marked with graffities of Greek flags. Now Victoria Square also seems like a deserted empty hole. The migrants who know have disappeared and hide inside their homes. Fear is ruling the area that is covered by silence.
The place of the death of the 44 old man has become a place of pilgramage and worship for the extreme right wing. The slogan on the mourning table says: ‘Here three migrants stabbed a Greek family man to death!’ The demonstrators are shouting: ‘Greece to the Greek Christians’, ‘Foreigners, out of Greece’ and threaten everybody who is renting flats to migrants by saying: ‘violence has to be answered with violence!’. Their memorial for the dead is accompanied by the Greek anthem…
Fascists attacked the Somali community. Graffiti: 'Foreigners out!'
The municipality of Athens plans to encounter ‘the problem’ by police raids against ‘illegal’ migrants, shops, street vending and brothels while increasing their repressive measures, they plan to ‘clean’ the area. The centre of Athens is an area to be gentrified and ‘up-graded’, thus, the pogrom of the Neonazis is adding its part on the dirty ‘job to be done’ – no matter what the consequences.
see also (in Greek): http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1288417
see also (in Greek): http://www.zougla.gr/page.ashx?
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